September 21, 2009

Takato Yamamoto

Check out this feature Juxtapoz recently did on Takato Yamamoto:

He says nothing ever takes more than a month! How inferior do you feel?

September 13, 2009

Advice: Never go grocery shopping when you're in a weird mood. You'll end up spending $40 on tomatoes, frozen Palak Paneer and Peruvian cacao nibs.

Recent Music

These are my heaviest played tracks of late in no particular order:

Sonic Youth - Sacred Trickster
Nu Shooz - I Can't Wait
The Mars Volta - Teflon
Joy Division - Means To An End
Cut Copy - Zap Zap
Shinichi Osawa - Push (ft. Ania Chorabik)
Liars - There's Always Room On The Broom
M83 - Kim & Jessie
My Bloody Valentine - When You Sleep

Fall UD

So much has been going on over at Urban Decay lately, it makes me sad that I've been cheating on them with Dior. Most notably, they have this absolutely sick shadow box dubbed "Show Pony" with work from Kime Buzelli which so badly makes me want to ignore the fact that I already have the included shades and accoutrements:

My definite favorite look from the Show Pony kit is this (mostly Painkiller which was probably mixed with some Transforming Potion and accented with Rocks):
Either way, Lais is absolutely killing it.

September 11, 2009

Fallen Star 1/5

The lovely Crista Funk and I went to LACMA a few weeks ago and saw "Your Bright Future: 12 Contemporary Artists from Korea", and though most of the pieces were impressive this one blew my mind completely:
It's called "Fallen Star 1/5" by Do Ho Suh. What this image doesn't capture is the unbelievable detail inside of the house, which included miniature EVERYTHING with absolutely nothing left to the imagination. If there was a tiny sandwich that had fallen off the counter, there was mustard and a tomato slice peeking out. There were tiny notebooks with the integrity of full spiral spines. If there was a coffee table, there was a ring on it from someone's sweaty water glass. And there had to have been a least thousands if not half a million little objects like that inside the house. Unfortunately, they didn't allow public photography of the piece, because there would better images to do it justice. The exhibition is over on September 20th, and viewing this work alone is worth the $8 student/$12 adult admission. Don't miss it.

August 31, 2009

Ezra Pound

Ezra Pound is the sexiest man dead.

August 27, 2009

Crystalline Spheres

"The music of the spheres will enrapture your soul."

August 26, 2009

Ode to Diet Coke

Diet Coke, I cannot quit you. Merely holding your cool aluminum vessel sends my mind into a state of sheer elation.  I know your light, bubbly goodness lies in wait as I slowly, eagerly pull back your flimsy tab. I pause and brace myself for our encounter after your mouth has opened and I deliberately carry you to mine.  Your artificially sweet, cold wetness first touches my lips, then tongue, then floods past my beating heart to finally collect in a pool of love in my belly.  As I drink more and more of you, my heart literally beats faster. I never fear that I will become tired of you, as you come in six exciting flavors--all a beautiful testimony to your relevant and dynamic nature.

August 25, 2009

The Birth of Feeling

      I've been wanting to--no, needing to write about this for weeks now.  It's in regards to a work of fiction in another work of fiction (The History of Love by the fictional character Leo Gursky which Krauss focuses on as the plot's nucleus in her heartbreaking novel The History of Love).  Anyhow, it's about how there was an exact origin for each individual emotion. For example, "surprise". There had to have been a status quo established before there could be anything that diverged from it. Krauss gives us many more emotions, and explains logically how the emotion must have developed. She then goes on to explain that after there was a basic set of emotions, people became addicted to feeling. People craved new feelings, whether negative or positive and became unhappy when anything stayed the same for too long.
     I feel like this idea totally knocked me over the head and made so much sense in my own life. It made me think of all the times in my life that I have (and still do) seek out new feelings just for the sake of I don't know, feeling like I'm alive in some way. I had been thinking that this was negative initially, because I think it's what makes people buy things they don't need and date people they don't care about. But revisiting this idea, I feel like this constant search, this addiction, can be very positive. It also caused me to think that the constant search for charged emotions may be exclusively Western, but I think it applies to everyone in a very human sense.
     The potential to feel new emotions, at least in my case, is what makes me want to discover new music, great books, film, art, and people. It causes me buy weird jewelry and eat exotic foods. Overall, I've realized that the result of this search and the resulting effect it has on me makes me who I am, in a very intrinsic as well as superficial sense.